
10 Hal Penting tentang Pekerjaan dalam Alkitab yang Harus Diketahui Setiap Orang Kristen

Article / Produced by Individual TOW Project member

Alkitab dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan penting bagi Tuhan.

Bible work

Ditulis oleh Andy Mills, salah satu pimpinan dari proyek Theology of Work. Andy menjadi seorang Kristen saat menjabat sebagai CEO, dan dia merasa Tuhan menekankan kepadanya pentingnya bertanya, “Apakah perbedaan dalam cara saya memandang pekerjaan sebagai orang Kristen?” Selama bertahun-tahun, pengalaman luas Andy sebagai seorang Kristen yang berkarya dalam dunia kerja dan pemahamannya akan Firman Tuhan telah membantunya membentuk perspektif tentang pekerjaan berikut ini.

Alkitab dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan penting bagi Tuhan. Apapun profesi atau pekerjaan Saudara – apakah Saudara orang tua, sopir bus, seniman, atau insinyur – Tuhan peduli terhadap pekerjaan Saudara. Berikut ini adalah sepuluh hal penting yang bersumber dari Alkitab, sebagai dasar praktis bagi orang Kristen yang memiliki pertanyaan terkait apa yang Alkitab katakan tentang bagaimana kita seharusnya memandang pekerjaan kita.

  • 1) Pekerjaan adalah bagian dari rancangan besar Tuhan. Tuhan menciptakan segala sesuatu dan Dia telah menyatakan bahwa, di dalam kedaulatan-Nya, Tuhan sedang melanjutkan tatanan ciptaan melalui proses penciptaan, kejatuhan, dan penebusan. Tatanan ciptaan Tuhan dimulai dengan taman yang sempurna (Taman Eden) dan akan disempurnakan di kota yang sempurna (Yerusalem Baru)
    • Pelajari lebih lanjut dengan membaca bagian Alkitab berikut:
      • Wahyu 21:1-22:5
      • Yesaya 65
      • Kejadian 2
      • Kejadian 1
    • Ketuk untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut bagian Alkitab di Tafsiran Alkitab Teologi Kerja:
  • 2) Pekerjaan yang kita lakukan sekarang penting bagi Tuhan, baik saat ini maupun kekekalan. Tuhan telah memilih untuk menciptakan laki-laki dan perempuan menurut gambar-Nya antara lain untuk bekerja dan merawat tatanan ciptaan bagi kemuliaan-Nya dan bagi kesejahteraan umat manusia. Dalam cara yang tidak sepenuhnya kita pahami, pekerjaan baik yang kita lakukan sekarang, dilakukan bersama dan bagi Dia, akan bertahan hingga Yerusalem Baru. Dengan demikian, pekerjaan itu sendiri memiliki nilai intrinsik.
  • 3) God provides us with unique skills, gifts and talents, and calls us to particular roles and activities. Although the roles might have apparent differences in importance, our callings are equal. They are a spiritual calling. There are no second-class callings from God. We will be worthy of this calling if we are devoted in our relationship with Him and look to Him only for leadership and strength.
  • 4) Quality, character, and ethics are foundational for our work. We are responsible not only for the quality of our work, but also for our faithfulness to God in the way we pursue that work, and for our own good character while working. We will be judged and rewarded accordingly. However, God is ultimately responsible for the outcome and impact of our work.
  • 5) Our work is yoked with Christ. We should work as if yoked to Jesus Christ. The “foundation of His throne is Righteousness and Justice, with Love and Faithfulness going before Him.” Our work, and the decisions we make, should be based on these principles: aligned with God’s moral standards, always concerned with the fair treatment of others and with a clear expression of Christ’s love for all people.
    • Explore this idea by reading the following Bible verses:
      • 2 Corinthians 6:14-15
      • Matthew 11:29-30
      • Psalm 89:14
      • Exodus 20:2-17
      • Mark 12:31
      • Matthew 25:35-36
    • Click to explore these passages in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary:
  • 6) Our work should be centered on service to others. From the products and services we provide, to providing fair financial rewards, and providing opportunities for others to exercise their gifts and talents. Our work is an opportunity to seek the peace and well being of our organizations, cities, and nations. Humility and gratitude should be the hallmark of our character. We should always acknowledge God in our work and consider that being an ambassador for Him is a weighty, but honored, responsibility.
  • 7) A rhythm of work and rest is essential to life. God invites us into a deliberate pattern of regular rest. These periods of rest are intended to be restorative and are also opportunities to intentionally take time to consider Christ and our relationship with Him.
    • Explore this idea further by reading the following Bible passages:
      • Exodus 20:8-11
      • John 15:4
      • Hebrews 4:10
      • 1 John 3:19
    • Click to explore these passages in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary:
  • 8) The use of wealth and our investments should be directed by God. We should allow God to direct the use of all that He has provided through our work for the betterment of others and the furthering of His kingdom. These provisions include our gifts, time, financial capability and influence.
    • Explore this idea further by reading the following Bible passages:
      • 1 Corinthians 4:7
      • 1 Timothy 6:17-19
      • Isaiah 58:10
      • Acts 2:45
      • Romans 12:13
      • Hebrews 13:16
      • Philippians 4:15-19
    • Click to explore these passages in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary:
  • 9) God's work multiplies through relationships and through the local church: We need to be in relationship with other followers of Christ to provide support and accountability. We should look for mentors and look to mentor others. We should commit to our local church body and help to bring the world of work into the church and the church into the world of work.
    • Explore this idea further by reading the following Bible passages:
      • 1 Timothy 3:15
      • 1 Corinthians 12:27
      • Ephesians 4:12-13
      • Acts 2:42-47 & 11:26
      • Titus 2:3-8
      • Proverbs 27:17
      • 1 Thessalonians 2:8
      • Deuteronomy 6:4-9
    • Click to explore this passage in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary:​ Acts 2:42-47
  • 10) Work is a gift from God. We should always acknowledge that work is a gift from God, as is our ability to be happy in it. Alternatively, labor and achievement that spring from our envy of others is meaningless and will never bring contentment and joy. We look forward to the day when we will work together in perfect harmony in the presence of God in the New Jerusalem.
    • Explore this idea further by reading the following Bible passages:
      • Ecclesiastes 5:19
      • Ecclesiastes 4:4
      • Ecclesiastes 2:4-11
      • Isaiah 65:21-23
    • Click to explore this passage in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary:​ Ecclesiastes